Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Wow. I'm blogging and I feel lamer than ever. For one, being a newbie to this class, I missed the whole spiel on the syllabus and I didn't really read it in its entirety when I printed it out so when I heard that we were supposed to blog, I was like "WTF? Serious??" So here I am, blogging. I never liked blogging, I thought it was kind of lame, and now I feel a little hypocritical, then again I'm not blogging by choice, it's for educational purposes, so that's my excuse. I have about 3 blogs that I missed out on, including this one, so I'm trying to think about what it is I'm going to "blog" about. I want it to be interesting of course. I mean, as lame as I think blogging is I don't want it to suck, because then that would be mega lame. Wow, I just said "mega", who says that?? No one says that. Gahhh, I'm so laaaaame. I have a lot of homework to do, well, not alot, but more than I should. I'm probably staying up super late again tonight. I don't understand myself. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday I'm done with class by 11:30 a.m., yet I usually don't start my homework until about 11:p.m. and then so I'm up super late and then I struggle waking up in the morning. I don't know why I wait almost 12 hours to begin my homework when clearly I'm not doing anything during that time in between (unless I'm napping, I love napping). Same thing with Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm done with class by 5 p.m., yet I wait about 6 hours before I become productive, and even then, I'm allowing myself to get distracted with whatever is going on in my hall. It's ridiculous; I'm ridiculous.

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