Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things I Hate.

So I need to catch up on my blogs so I figured I'd "blog" about things I hate. For starters, I HATE lettuce. It's so disgusting. I've never been able to eat it without gagging. It feels all weird and grosse in my mouth and it tastes horrible. It bums me out though. Salads look pretty sometimes, but I've never been able to eat one without spitting all of the lettuce i tried to force myself to swallow into a napkin. Come to think of it, I hate most vegetables.
Moving on...
I hate Hannah Montana/Milley Cyrus, whichever one she is at the time, I hate them BOTH. She's annoying and I hate the sound of her raspy man voice.
Another thing I hate...

I hate waking up early. Noon is a good time to wake up I think, but other than the weekends, that never happens.

I hate the pink and black combination people are STILL doing. Get over it, that was sooo 8th grade. I hate when people tie the bottom of their pants to their Vans with the shoelace. It looks dumb, buy some skinny jeans.

Lastly, (well I mean there's more, but I don't want to go on for too long)
I hate multiples of 5. It's kind of weird, no, wait it is, but let me give you an example. On the microwave, people usually put their cook time ending in either a 5 or a 0. Most people I know do this. But what about those numbers in between? They have been surpressed for as long as I can remember and so I believe in inequality so I give those numbers a chance by putting in 23 seconds, 47 seconds, 1 minute and 19 seconds. I know they feel left out when it's always 5 and 0 being pushed so I've come to despise the multiple of 5 race and I've taken it upon myself to form "The Coalition of The Other Numbers".

WOW. Wtf am I saying?? lol, I don't even know, this is ridiculous, buuuut, I really do push the other numbers. I think it's like my minor case of OCD because I can't, even if I wanted to use the 5 or the 0, I feel compelled to make the cook time end in something else.

I don't have a coalition though, nor do I hate the multiple of 5 race lol

& that's my list of things I hate =)


Wow. I'm blogging and I feel lamer than ever. For one, being a newbie to this class, I missed the whole spiel on the syllabus and I didn't really read it in its entirety when I printed it out so when I heard that we were supposed to blog, I was like "WTF? Serious??" So here I am, blogging. I never liked blogging, I thought it was kind of lame, and now I feel a little hypocritical, then again I'm not blogging by choice, it's for educational purposes, so that's my excuse. I have about 3 blogs that I missed out on, including this one, so I'm trying to think about what it is I'm going to "blog" about. I want it to be interesting of course. I mean, as lame as I think blogging is I don't want it to suck, because then that would be mega lame. Wow, I just said "mega", who says that?? No one says that. Gahhh, I'm so laaaaame. I have a lot of homework to do, well, not alot, but more than I should. I'm probably staying up super late again tonight. I don't understand myself. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday I'm done with class by 11:30 a.m., yet I usually don't start my homework until about 11:p.m. and then so I'm up super late and then I struggle waking up in the morning. I don't know why I wait almost 12 hours to begin my homework when clearly I'm not doing anything during that time in between (unless I'm napping, I love napping). Same thing with Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm done with class by 5 p.m., yet I wait about 6 hours before I become productive, and even then, I'm allowing myself to get distracted with whatever is going on in my hall. It's ridiculous; I'm ridiculous.